Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First update in almost 2 years


The last two years have been full of a lot of life changes. For the first time in this span of my life I feel that my free time may accommodate writing again. I have lots of things on my mind, many of which could go on here but I will try to keep it brief and relevant. I hope to use this as a more intimate and rewarding means of conversing with dear friends than facebook, and I hope that I get a small following of quality folk to add to all the newfound inspiration I have found in life.

Some people have asked me what I am doing these days, and how is work? Actually on the day of my wedding as I was walking around the tables talking with everyone I heard one person claim to another"he does have a job". I had to grin and felt it was funny someone had to make such a claim. As a matter of fact I have accepted a job position in auditing, but it will not begin until July or August. So for a short amount of time my wife will be supporting this household.

In the meantime I have plenty of things to think about and work on from my apartment. Somethings on my mind are studying to become a Certified Public Accountant, as well as dabbling in the stock markets and trying to make a buck there. Also I will be passionately working on my writing skills and purging sentence fragments from the western civilization. However, most of all I have a yearning to make sense of what is happening in the world today and what I can do to provide financial, psychological  and most importantly, spiritual shelter from the ensane world we live in for my wife, future family and myself, as well as any friends that wish to come along and boost my low intelligence with their own.

Funny how my blog name has come around in a full circle that I could not have anticipated.

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