The first exposure I had to Tesla came back in 2008 when the roadsters started appearing in car magazines and I actually saw a couple. The coolest thing to me was it did not require gas and it only had one gear! I came across a mini case study in my management book the last semester of 2012, and I was completely sold. I have now bought over a hundred shares of the company and have made more than a 20% return on those shares. But to understand the company you have to study the CEO:
In summary he has become a pioneer in all 3. It started with the creation of zip2 and Paypal, the eventual sales of which gained him at least a billion dollars. He used this money to launch the 3 companies I mentioned before SIMULTANEOUSLY. He didn't just pick 1, or even 2, he picked all three of his dreams. At times he has had to borrow money from his friends to pay rent.......
Currently he spends half his time at SpaceX in L.A. and the other half on Tesla in Silicon Valley (San Jose.) This involves flying back and forth up to 4 times a week. Up until recently he personally inspected every Tesla that rolled off the line and it has been said if you ask him about any part of his rocket he can tell you in detail how it works.
You have got to be kidding me! |
This man is a modern day super hero; he is completely selfless, absolutely brilliant, and is one of the few companies working to secure the world's long term future. He named Tesla after Nikolai Tesla, which is another inspiring hero of mine and deserves an entire blog post to himself. Musk actually is a lot like Nikolai Tesla; he is way ahead of his time, brilliant, and terrible at public speaking! As a matter of fact, Tony Starks character is based on Elon Musk! Musk even makes an appearance in Iron Man 2.
Tesla is a unique company and thus far has demonstrated the perfect execution of a totally new way of thinking. The automotive industry is immensely difficult arena for a start-up company. Musk knew he could not compete with affordable cars, so he built cars meant to compete with Lexus, BMW, and Mercedes. Not only that but they are completely electric!! The cars this company make do not accept gas of any sort, they charge overnight at your house and will have from 120 to 280 miles of range depending on which battery size you buy and how you drive it. This is more than enough for 95% of commutes. Despite the fact that this car is not for everyone, and though very expensive it manages to sell about 89 new cars a day which equates to over a year long wait list in the beginning of 2013. They have delivered almost 4000 vehicles and promise to deliver 20,000 more in 2013. In 2012 it earned several prestigious awards, including Motor Trends car of the year and Yahoo's car of the year.
Tesla is a unique company and thus far has demonstrated the perfect execution of a totally new way of thinking. The automotive industry is immensely difficult arena for a start-up company. Musk knew he could not compete with affordable cars, so he built cars meant to compete with Lexus, BMW, and Mercedes. Not only that but they are completely electric!! The cars this company make do not accept gas of any sort, they charge overnight at your house and will have from 120 to 280 miles of range depending on which battery size you buy and how you drive it. This is more than enough for 95% of commutes. Despite the fact that this car is not for everyone, and though very expensive it manages to sell about 89 new cars a day which equates to over a year long wait list in the beginning of 2013. They have delivered almost 4000 vehicles and promise to deliver 20,000 more in 2013. In 2012 it earned several prestigious awards, including Motor Trends car of the year and Yahoo's car of the year.
Tesla WILL BE the 4th American auto company. Their plan is more flawless than any other business venture I have ever seen. Through Elon Musk's leadership, this innovative company has led battery technology to progress in ways that were previously unrealized. These batteries are getting cheaper and smaller, and gaining extended range. If Tesla can stay in business, the price of a 1000 mile range battery could drop to a $1000 or even less within a decade. For once and for all America can loose its dependence on oil.
To summarize: Musk stakes at least 320 million of his own money in Tesla and creates the Roadster, a 2 seater sports car with amazing reviews that sold over 2400. He progressed to the Model S which is a family 5+2 sedan, from which he will launch an SUV based on the same platform. In 2014 he will reveal his 3 generation platform rumored to be a simple sedan with a price of under 30k. All of this done without a single gas tank in any of his products!
To conclude: in 2006 Elon Musk made the following blog entry. The last several lines are as follows:
So, in short, the master plan is:
- Build sports car
- Use that money to build an affordable car
- Use that money to build an even more affordable car
- While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options
Don't tell anyone.
Looks like this man has stuck to his word. In this day and age is is refreshing to know one man can keep his word, make money of it, and enrich the country he lives in. All in all it gives me more hope and helps me avoid total ensanity.
P.S. If you would like to read a great article about Tesla and the struggles and miracles it has pulled off read this: