Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Greetings! I determined the time was ripe to start a blog.

FIRST POST!! EXCITED!! The brass tacks are as follows: I desire an outlet to spew forth the perspective(s) I hold which keep life in.... perspective. The theme is going to be one of critical thinking aided by Catholic tradition and scripture and applied toward...... knowing, loving, and serving God, and also, if God should allow, eluding insanity.

Every day, the world's populace - myself included - awake and find themselves under strain and confusion and murkiness. Something like the Matrix. What we are looking at is not what is really there; at least what we are able to see can be of no particular importance.

Time is a creature. Isn't that interesting? When all else fails, this is what snaps me out of the false pretension heralded by our neighbors, politicians, Pope, Bishops, friends, and yes family. Outside time exists the life we were made for. Isn't it funny how time is used as a generic measuring unit for humans most sought-after goals? Dollars per hour, annual salary per year, miles per hour, 1 lecture hour per college unit per week. an 8 to 5 workday (8 and 5 hours of the clock, respectively, ante and post-meridiem) and and lastly, an average lifespan of 77 years per male and 81 years for females. Time is the catchall for living life. But, ladies and gentleman, there is life after death....

One day we will exist only outside time, and depending on how our lives were measured in units other than time will determine our comfort relative to our metaphysical form :) The bottom line is, if I am still counting the seconds down on my watch, than what I am seeing is only a temporary creation subject to the existence or non-existence of time.

Welcome to my blog! If you have survived thus far I am pleased to announce that you have likely bourne the brunt of my philosophical ramblings. My 2nd post will be more traditional and may be of interest to those of you who yearn for a opportunity to find a retreat from the steady barrage of strain and anti-truths heralded by the prince of this world.


  1. love the last paragraph! i totally related to it! haha...

  2. "Eluding insanity" haha that statement made me smile, Chris!! :) I will definately keep my eye out for more entries. Though I must admit, I love the blog's title. In Pursuit of Civility.
    Aren't we all just in pursuit of civility?? Even if we don't like to admit it hehe.

  3. Thank you Sarah! Absolutely, in new-speak, I call it "keeping it real"
